Seller Tip: Preparation Plan for Selling Your Home

So you want to sell your house….   

1) Where in the world should you start? 

2) How much time do you need to get the house ready to show? 

3) Is this the right time in the market to list your home? 

All of the questions above do not have a right or a wrong answer. 

Your best bet is to link up with a great realtor, sit down with them, and talk about all of the above. 

I have always told my clients that as far as I’m concerned, there is never a “ Too early” time to reach out to a realtor when you’re thinking of selling your home. 

I have worked with families over a period of months to even several years to help them prepare ( both mentally and practically) their home for a future sale. 

So, now that I have that out of the way…. Call your rock star real estate agent and make a date for them to come and visit your home. 

You do NOT have to have the house “ Show ready” 

Often , we are just looking for the “ Nuts and Bolts” of the house . I.E. How old is the roof, what improvements have you made since your ownership, what is the “ Flow” of the floorplan like, do you need to make a plan to clear items out, are there projects in progress that need to be completed? 

I typically give my clients a “ To Do” list after my first visit. 

There are certainly some circumstances in which the owner is not available nor are their family members to help with the process.  That would be an “ As Is” sale where you don’t have the advantage of time and resources. 

Don’t be shy either to share with your agent if you really aren’t able to put anything else into the house. Sometimes there are very low cost and “ elbow grease” tasks that can be done to prepare the house for your sale. 

The main idea that I want to convey via this post is that it’s not a “ One and done” process. 

You may want to take several months to get the house show ready to even a few years if you don’t have a rushed sale. 

Call the experts and lean on us for guidance on steps A to Z for what to do first. 

Lastly, if you’re not sure which realtor to call, ask your friends, coworkers, and family members for a personal referral for a top notch agent that they would recommend. That is by far the BEST way to find a great realtor !!! 

Have a wonderful day and here’s hoping this post brought you some helpful information either for you or a friend! 


“All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination. “

—Earl Nightingale